Oportunidades Para Voluntarios

Mándales que hagan el bien, que sean ricos en buenas obras, y generosos, dispuestos a compartir lo que tienen.

Fuimos creados para servir a Dios cuidando de sus hijos y siendo buenos mayordomos de su creación. Sin importar cuales sean sus dones, Prestonwood los pondrá en uso. Ya sea que sirva como mentor, un saludador o un par de manos extras, se necesitan cristianos con un espíritu de servicio para innumerables áreas en la iglesia.

Before You Say, “I Do” Coach Couples (Plano Campus Only)
If you are married and have a heart for couples seeking to prepare for a Christ-centered marriage, you’ll find your area of service in our marriage prep ministry. This short-term commitment provides opportunity for you to help seriously dating or engaged couples learn biblical and practical principles for their marriage. For more information, e-mail bysid@prestonwood.org or call 972-820-5237.


Here’s a chance to make a real difference in the lives of married couples. The wisdom, experience and commitment you’ve gained through a Christ-centered marriage can be lifesavers for couples who are seeking to enrich or restore their marriages. If you’d like to be a Mentor Couple, this ministry will provide training, materials and consultation. Contact: m4c@prestonwood.org or 972-820-5047.

In-Touch Ministry

The In-Touch Ministry exists to share the love of Jesus Christ with those who reside in retirement communities, rehab/care facilities, or those who are homebound. Areas of service include:

  • Visiting with residents
  • Leading Bible studies
  • Leading a worship service
  • Participating in a worship service through singing or playing an instrument
  • Visiting those who are homebound, including providing respite for in-home caregivers
  • Holding prayer times
  • Holding a reception or craft activity with residents as an Adult LifeGroup outreach activity

By bringing a personal touch to these individuals, we bring glory to God and fulfill the biblical mandates to “honor your father and mother” (Exodus 20:12) and “visit orphans and widows in their need” (James 1:27). We believe it is God’s desire that His servants finish well, and we want to be a part of that.

If you have a servant’s heart, and are looking for a place to serve those who need visits, hugs, love, prayer, comfort and the Gospel, consider joining the In-Touch Ministry today! To learn more, please contact intouch@prestonwood.org.

Media Department
Would you like to help enhance our worship experience and reach millions of people with the Gospel at the same time? The Media Ministry needs you to join our team! Whether you are an experienced professional or just someone who likes technology, we have a place for you. We have openings in the areas of cameras, video switchers, camera shaders, audio, graphics, lighting and general A/V. Please contact media@prestonwood.org for more information!

PowerPoint Ministries
PowerPoint Ministries has weekly volunteer opportunities at Plano Campus for mailing books, CDs, DVDs, newsletters, and other products that are mailed around the world. For more information, e-mail email@powerpoint.org.


LifeGroups are small groups in which kids can grow in their faith and knowledge of Scripture. These learning times are led by amazing volunteers who disciple and pour in to children from preschool to preteen with interactive Bible teaching and fun!


A KIDZ LifeGroup director serves weekly or every other week and is in charge of the class, making sure everything runs smoothly, communicating with small-group leaders, and contacting families and kids to build relationships and make sure they know what is going on in the KIDZ Ministry.

Small-Group Leader

This volunteer leads a small group of children weekly or every other week in fun activities and discussion about the lesson. Small-group leaders disciple and pour in to the lives of students in every area. This role is vital in the life of a child, as the leader walks alongside parents, helping their child develop an authentic faith.

KIDZ Welcome Team

Greeters are the first friendly faces families see when entering the Children’s Area. They greet, answer questions, and assist first-time guests with check-in.

These friendly people walk first-time guests to their children’s classrooms and make sure they know our safety and security measures.

This team operates our assisted check-in stations. They register new families and communicate the procedures of the Children’s Ministry.

Creative Arts

This individual loves to have fun and isn’t afraid to speak in front of kids. This person can make a presentation before a large crowd of preschool or elementary students, and can entertain, inform, and hold the attention of young kids. Hosts serve in pairs, so this is someone who can work well with others. Responsibilities include memorizing a three-to-six-minute script, running game-time, attending a rehearsal during the week, showing up early to LifeGroup, and “hosting” both services on Sunday.

Media and Tech
These individuals know, or are willing to learn, how to navigate a computer, audio board, and/or lighting board during Sunday services. This person is technically inclined to learn new technologies and can follow detailed instructions well. Duties include running slides in ProPresenter©, monitoring audio, and/or operating a lighting board.

AWANA is a Wednesday-night club for kids (age 2–grade 6). Each evening is comprised of three parts: Handbook Time, Game Time and Council Time. The main focus is learning to memorize Scripture, sharing our faith with the people in our lives, and helping others around the world through missions. Class leaders mentor the kids, encouraging them in handbook progression and helping them to stay engaged. The class leaders keep track of paperwork, attendance, awards and weekly communication with the kids’ families.

HYPE is a Wednesday night worship service geared to engage and equip preteens (grades 5–6). In this fun-filled time of games, prizes, theme nights, food, worship and relevant teaching, leaders serve food, play games, model a worshipful spirit, and lead a preteen small group.

The Facilities Department has a variety of opportunities for volunteers. Whether you like to work inside or outside, or if you can help Monday–Friday, we have something for you! These are a few of the opportunities you may prayerfully consider:

Bus Drivers
We need drivers to join our shuttle bus ministry. No CDL license is required. You would be the first point of contact for our guests on Sunday as you welcome them to Prestonwood by transporting them from the parking lots to the church door and back. Additionally, if interested, you would also have an opportunity to welcome staff, Prestonwood Christian Academy students and guests on short trips during the week. For more information, please contact jtyson@prestonwood.org or gbird@prestonwood.org or call 972-820-5018 for more information.

Worship Center Volunteer (Monday – Friday available)
Volunteers are needed to assist with church pew restocking tasks during business hours (8:00 a.m.–5:00 p.m.). The process includes adding notepads, pencils and envelopes to pews, straightening Bibles, and other responsibilities as needed so that the Worship Center is ready for worship times. As part of this ministry, volunteers are encouraged to pray for each person who will be sitting in the pews and/or using the Bibles and paper resources. For more information, please contact gbird@prestonwood.org or 972-820-5018.

Housekeeping Volunteer (Monday–Friday available)
Volunteers are invited to assist with various general housekeeping cleaning projects during business hours (8:00 a.m.–5:00 p.m.). Training may be provided. As part of this ministry, volunteers are encouraged to pray for each person who will be entering the church. The Facility Operations Ministry strives to provide a distraction-free environment for our guests. A clean, welcoming environment plays a very important role in meeting this goal. For more information, please contact jrector@prestonwood.org.

Our goal at Guest Central is to make every person who walks through the doors of Prestonwood feel welcome and comfortable in the family of God. We do this through greeting them before and after Worship Services, answering any questions they might have, blessing them with a gift and information bag, and encouraging them to participate in a LifeGroup. You can serve on Sundays at either campus from 10:30 to 11:00 a.m. or noon to 12:30 p.m.

For more information, contact:
Plano Campus: lhumphrey@prestonwood.org or call 972-820-5322
North Campus: psallee@prestonwood.org or call 972-798-6761

The Life Recovery Ministry helps people recover the life that Christ intended. When we’re honest, all of us have something—a habit, compulsive behavior, mindset, or pain—that needs to be exchanged for the healing that only Christ can give. Through the various elements of the Life Recovery Ministry, people receive that healing. There are a variety of ways you can help. If you have gone through a healing process of any of the issues above, you are qualified. We provide the training, support and encouragement that allows you to take your “mess” and make it your “message.”

Contact the Life Recovery Ministry at liferecovery@prestonwood.org or call 972-820-5308.

Prestonwood Cares – Prestonwood Cares is a compassion ministry initiative of Prestonwood Baptist Church, committed to serving the people in need in our community, across the nation, and to the world for Christ. Whether it’s helping to feed those in need in our community or serving those affected nationally and globally by natural disasters, Prestonwood Cares becomes the hands and feet of Christ during times of great need.

Deaf Ministry
 – The Deaf Ministry serves those who are hearing impaired, numbering nearly 1 million people across North Texas. according to the last census. Many of these hearing-impaired people are either not part of a church community, or have yet to hear the Gospel in their understood language. The Deaf Ministry seeks to help in both of these critical areas of need.

ESL Ministry
 – The ESL Ministry (English as a Second Language) endeavors to teach English to those who do not speak it as their primary language, which represents more than 40 percent of the people in North Texas. Many of these people are either not part of a church community or have yet to hear the Gospel in their primary language. The ESL Ministry seeks to help in both of these critical areas of need.

Prison Ministries
 – Prison outreach and restoration focuses on ministering to people in state prisons, jails and correction facilities to share the Gospel message, and continues to invest in them after they have left these facilities, through community and discipleship in the name of Jesus Christ.

 – BridgeBuilders works in inner-city neighborhoods to restore relationships by engaging, equipping and empowering individuals, families and communities in the name of Jesus Christ. BridgeBuilders seeks to work alongside valuable church partners, organizations, donors, volunteers and most importantly, community residents.

Prestonwood Worship Choir (Plano Campus)
If you have a passion for worship and a desire to help lead the church in praise … join the Prestonwood Worship Choir! Choir rehearsals are much more than learning notes on a page. These times are full of energy and excitement as we prepare both spiritually and musically to bring our best worship offering! Those interested in joining the choir meet for rehearsal each Wednesday at 6:30 p.m. in the Choir Rehearsal Hall beginning January 15.

Kids’ Worship Choirs

Volunteers are needed for Kids’ Worship Choirs (ages 3–grade 6) on Wednesday nights from 5:20 to 6:25 p.m. Don’t worry if you don’t sing or play an instrument; you just need to have a love for music and children! We will give you everything else you need! For more information or to sign up, please contact:

Plano Campus: 972-820-5250 or e-mail kidsmusic@prestonwood.org
North Campus: 972-798-6756 or e-mail northkidsmusic@prestonwood.org

Section Host
The Own Your Own Section Ministry exists to help welcome those visiting our church and those who have not yet plugged into Prestonwood. Responsibilities include: greeting and welcoming those sitting in your section of the Worship Center, being available to pray with those in your section who have prayer requests, and assisting people in your section to get connected with a LifeGroup and our other ministries.

For more information or to volunteer, contact host@prestonwood.org or 972-820-5355.

Current Volunteer Opportunities

  • Class Instructors
  • Client Advocates
  • Donor Development Assistants
  • Nurses
  • Sonographers
  • Special Event Assistants
  • Translators (specifically Spanish)

Locations: Richardson, Duncanville & Mobile

For more information, please visit prestonwoodpregnancy.org/volunteer.

League Directors, Coaches and Administrative Help (Plano Campus)
Prestonwood Sports Organization reaches into the community through sports. We need our members to help lead the way by volunteering as league directors, Game Day Ambassadors or coaching your child’s team in the sport of your choice. If you don’t have children, we will gladly find a place for you to serve. There are many ways you can get involved and help with a league in a sports area you enjoy.To get a complete listing of the sports we offer, please see our website at psosports.com.

Call 972-820-5454 or e-mail gmixon@prestonwood.org.


LifeGroup Leaders are needed on Sundays at either campus at 9:30 and 11:00 a.m. These times include a master teacher time, worship with our student bands, and LifeGroups (groups of 8–10 students with an adult LifeGroup Leader). Adults are needed who can facilitate 30-minute, small-group discussion. Students are led to discuss what they learned during the lesson that day.

Check-in volunteers with an encouraging presence are needed to welcome our students and guests and assist them with checking in and finding a LifeGroup to connect with.


JHigh MDWK exists to reach junior high students in North Texas with the Gospel in a fun and engaging way. Our mission is for students to invite friends from their schools, sports teams and communities to hear about Jesus! Each week we look at the truth found in the Bible and apply it to life, and every few weeks we have a special, fun theme night.

Leaders are needed for relationship building, check-in, set up, cleanup, and decision encouraging.

HS MDWK is made up of small groups of high school students meeting in homes all over North Texas, and exists for the sole purpose of creating a welcoming environment, a safe place to ask questions, and a community to develop deep friendships—all for the sake of the Gospel.

Leaders are needed to assist in weekly lessons and discussions with junior and senior apprentices, to facilitate discussion on the Bible lesson, and to help explain passages of Scripture.

Starting Point

Starting Point Discipleship is a six-week discussion and discipleship journey with one to five students. Leaders and students are provided with Starting Point workbooks to discuss “The Key to a Successful Life,” “Can You Trust the Bible?” “Can You Be Secure in Your Relationship with Christ?” “Knowing Who You Are in Christ,” “Talking with God,” and “Making Disciples.”

Leaders are needed to disciple students and help them grow deeper in their faith.

Special Events
 such as Freedom WKND, Beach Camp, Girls’ Night Out, Fall Evangelism, etc. need leaders for a variety of opportunities:

  • Freedom WKND: small group leaders, security, check-in, service team
  • Beach Camp: condo leaders, service team, nurses
  • Other events: relationship building, check-in, set up, cleanup and decision encouraging

For more information please contact:
Plano Campus: 972-820-5360 or planostudents@prestonwood.org
North Campus: 972-798-6726 or northstudents@prestonwood.org

Men, we want you to be part of our team on weekends (Sunday mornings at your respective campus). We are looking for a smile and those who want to serve!

Parking Attendants
Join the front line; be a part of the Prestonwood Parking Team. Help us once every six weeks.

Join us at the doors to say welcome to all who come! Thirty minutes and you’re on your way! All you need to bring is a smile!

The Prestonwood Women’s Ministry is committed to helping women grow in a deeper relationship with God and one another while equipping women to know God’s Word and disciple others.

LifeGroup Liaisons: Our Women’s Liaisons represent the Women’s Ministry within our LifeGroups. Liaisons keep women informed about what is going on in Women’s Ministry and keep our women resourced with the latest study and discipleship materials. Liaisons find ways to incorporate Bible Study into the rhythm of their group and use our study materials to invite others in to learn together.

Mentoring and Discipleship Volunteers: You don’t have to be old and wise to disciple someone. If you are interested, we’ll train and equip you to be a difference-maker in another woman’s life.

Office: From time to time we have some projects that require additional help. If you would be willing to volunteer in the office during those times, give us your name and we’ll put you on the list.

For more information on any of these opportunities, please e-mail your name, campus, and desired area of service to: jtaylor@prestonwood.org or call 972-820-5233.

Add Your Heading Text Here

Date: March 25, 2021



Como creyentes, estamos llamados a dar de nuestros talentos, no solo financieramente, sino también nuestros dones espirituales a través del voluntariado. Tenemos formas seguras de dar y oportunidades para bendecir a otros a través de donaciones de legado y una gran cantidad de oportunidades de voluntariado.

Dar en Línea

Simple y seguro. Dé una sola vez o de manera recurrente usando su cuenta de cheques, tarjeta de crédito o débito.

Dar Ahora


Prestonwood ofrece muchas maneras de usar sus dones y talentos para servir a los demás, desde camarógrafo hasta miembro del coro, técnico hasta maestro, asistente de estacionamiento hasta guerrero de oración. Haga clic aquí para obtener más información.

Más información

Transmisión en Vivo

Prestonwood.Live, el campus en línea de Prestonwood, busca cumplir con la misión de Prestonwood y llegar aquellos que necesitan a Jesús y no pueden asistir a uno de nuestros campus.

Visita Prestonwood.envivo

Ver Servicios

?Se perdió un servicio de adoración ? ?Quiere estar al tanto con una serie de sermons?

Haga clic aquí para ver los servicios. Busque títulos o serie o navegue por fechas

Ver sermones


A través de nuestros Estudios Bíblicos de Grupos de Vida, grupos pequeños, cada persona que viene a Prestonwood tiene la oportunidad de construir relaciones clave que pueden durar toda la vida. Para más información

Encuentra un grupo


Somos una congregación dinámica, constituida por personas de la región del Norte de Texas, unidos con el propósito de adorar, estudiar la Palabra de Dios, trabajar en Su obra y alcanzar el mundo con el mensaje del Evangelio.


Valoramos como base seis áreas de la vida de nuestra iglesia. Juntos, estos valores compartidos identifican quiénes somos, nos animan a seguir hacia todo lo que deseamos lograr y nos unen en compañerismo.

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La decisión más importante en su vida es si acepta o no a Jesús como su Señor y Salvador personal.

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Sin importar a cuál campus asiste, encontrará caras sonrientes que le recibirán, una vibrante música de adoración que levantará su espíritu y una enseñanza poderosa basada en la Palabra de Dios que transformará su vida.

¿Primera visita?

Se sentirá bienvenido desde el primer momento que visita Prestonwood. Tenemos algo para cada uno de su familia, permítanos ayudarle a planificar su primera visita.

Planifique su visita

Clase Next Step

Esta clase es crucial para ayudar a nuevos miembros y a aquellos que están considerando unirse a Prestonwood y los diferentes ministerios de nuestra iglesia.

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