Joe Perry Sports Complex

The Legacy

One of our goals at Prestonwood was to establish the most effective and evangelistic sports program possible. We needed a servant leader to direct this outreach to our community—someone with a heart for God, a love for the church and community, and a call to sports ministry.

In May 1999, God gave us that man in Joe Perry. With a business and church leadership background, Joe began building our Prestonwood Sports Organization. It became the first ministry of its kind in America. Thousands of boys and girls and their families were reached with the message of the Gospel and developed as followers of Jesus. Coaches and leaders were discipled. Twenty years later, PSO continues to accomplish its mission of utilizing sports to fulfill the mission of our church.

Joe Perry

Joe Perry passed away in 2018. We are forever grateful for the eternal difference he made for Christ. As a way of honoring him and a legacy that sought to bring men and women, boys and girls, to faith in Jesus—we have named this sports complex after him.

—Pastor Jack Graham

And he said to them, “Follow me, and I will make you fishers of men.”

The Vision

$7 Million Project Total

Project Includes …

  • Joe Perry Sports Complex Entrance Plaza
  • Donor Wall of Honor
  • New Football/Soccer/Lacrosse Field
  • Upgrade 3 Baseball/Softball/T-Ball Fields
  • Children’s Play Area
  • Seating Areas
  • Covered Spectator Areas
  • Connection Walkways Between All Fields
  • Field Signage for All Fields
  • Landscaping
  • Fencing
  • Lighting

The Need

We are grateful for your consideration in supporting the Joe Perry Sports Complex. Thanks to the incredible vision from Pastor Jack Graham more than two decades ago, a ministry was built to reach families with the Gospel through sports. We are extremely blessed with wonderful facilities for our Prestonwood Sports Organization because of the financial support of many. But as the mission of this ministry continues to flourish, the existing facilities desperately need to be updated and expanded. As we continue to equip our church with the most effective means possible to reach this generation with the message of Jesus, we need your help to strengthen and grow this outreach.

Contribution Levels

  • Varsity – $10,000
  • All Star – $25,000
  • MVP – $50,000
  • Circle of Champions – $100,000
  • Ring of Honor – $250,000
  • Hall of Fame – $500,000

Contributions at these levels will be acknowledged on the Wall of Honor at the sports complex. Gifts and/or pledges can be made through December 2022.

Don’t miss the opportunity to be part of this initiative to reach even more families in the community through sports!

My Dad, Joe Perry, was coaching our team at a little league football tournament in 1989 when God revealed what had been stirring in his heart. Looking at the masses of people going into the tournament, he broke down and wept, saying, “They’re right here! They’re all right here! We keep looking for them and they’re all coming right here!” My father had an incredible passion for leading people to Christ and motivating other believers to do the same. At that tournament, God revealed an incredible platform for both sharing Christ and equipping others to do what God had called them to do … Fish for men.

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Date: March 25, 2021



Como creyentes, estamos llamados a dar de nuestros talentos, no solo financieramente, sino también nuestros dones espirituales a través del voluntariado. Tenemos formas seguras de dar y oportunidades para bendecir a otros a través de donaciones de legado y una gran cantidad de oportunidades de voluntariado.

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Prestonwood ofrece muchas maneras de usar sus dones y talentos para servir a los demás, desde camarógrafo hasta miembro del coro, técnico hasta maestro, asistente de estacionamiento hasta guerrero de oración. Haga clic aquí para obtener más información.

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Transmisión en Vivo

Prestonwood.Live, el campus en línea de Prestonwood, busca cumplir con la misión de Prestonwood y llegar aquellos que necesitan a Jesús y no pueden asistir a uno de nuestros campus.

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A través de nuestros Estudios Bíblicos de Grupos de Vida, grupos pequeños, cada persona que viene a Prestonwood tiene la oportunidad de construir relaciones clave que pueden durar toda la vida. Para más información

Encuentra un grupo


Somos una congregación dinámica, constituida por personas de la región del Norte de Texas, unidos con el propósito de adorar, estudiar la Palabra de Dios, trabajar en Su obra y alcanzar el mundo con el mensaje del Evangelio.


Valoramos como base seis áreas de la vida de nuestra iglesia. Juntos, estos valores compartidos identifican quiénes somos, nos animan a seguir hacia todo lo que deseamos lograr y nos unen en compañerismo.

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La decisión más importante en su vida es si acepta o no a Jesús como su Señor y Salvador personal.

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Sin importar a cuál campus asiste, encontrará caras sonrientes que le recibirán, una vibrante música de adoración que levantará su espíritu y una enseñanza poderosa basada en la Palabra de Dios que transformará su vida.

¿Primera visita?

Se sentirá bienvenido desde el primer momento que visita Prestonwood. Tenemos algo para cada uno de su familia, permítanos ayudarle a planificar su primera visita.

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Clase Next Step

Esta clase es crucial para ayudar a nuevos miembros y a aquellos que están considerando unirse a Prestonwood y los diferentes ministerios de nuestra iglesia.

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