Vendor Policies

Floral Policies

The flower arrangements, bouquets and greenery that you choose will enhance the beauty of your wedding and will create the atmosphere that you desire for this special occasion. Prestonwood provides all candles and candelabras used on the platform. We request the Bride to fill out the Floral Policy Vendor Agreement with the contact information for the florist. If the florist has provided floral services at Prestonwood for a previous wedding, he/she is not required to sign the agreement again. Please read the following floral guidelines before making your selections.

If a family member or friend is responsible for the flowers for the wedding, it is the responsibility of the Bride to communicate these policies and provide contact information to the Director of Weddings.

  1. Florals and other decorations placed on the platform, candelabra, or pews must be completed no later than 1 1/2 hours prior to the beginning of the ceremony; i.e. for a wedding beginning at 2:00 PM all decorations should be in place no later than 12:30 PM.
  2. If fresh greenery is used, all preparations are to be made prior to arriving at the church.
  3. The church will be ready for the wedding ceremony when the florist arrives at the church to decorate. The florist is responsible to see that it is clean when decorating is complete. 
  4. Arrangements should be made for all flowers and decorations to be removed within one hour following the ceremony and pictures. The church does not store any wedding decorations. The facilities should be left clean and ready for the next event after removal of all decorations. 
  5. No tacks, pins, nails, glue or tape shall be used to fasten any decorations to the furniture, building, carpet or church candelabras. Only plastic clips or ribbon that will not mar the pew ends shall be used to fasten bows. Wrapped floral wire, i.e. chenille, should be used to attached arrangements to the candelabra. 
  6. Candles used on all candelabras must be metal-sheathed candles provided by Prestonwood. Candles may not be used in the aisle, except those which are battery operated. Pillar candles are also provided by Prestonwood and can only be used on the platform. When using florist’s candelabras, the florist is required to use metal-sheathed candles and a plastic sheeting to prevent candle drippings on the carpet. 
  7. All greenery, except that which may be in the center of the platform, hymnals and Bibles are to remain in place. Only Prestonwood Facilities personnel are permitted to move or remove furniture, podiums, large plants, etc. Please ask the Wedding Coodinator for assistance, if necessary. 
  8. Aisle runners may not be used for safety reasons. Real or silk flower petals cannot be used in the aisles. 
  9. Alcoholic beverages of any kind are not allowed anywhere on the church property, and smoking is not permitted inside any church building. 
  10. It is understood that seasonal decorations for Christmas and Easter will not be moved or removed for weddings. The florist may make use of or supplement these decorations for the wedding. 
  11. Neither Prestonwood Baptist Church nor the Director of Weddings and/or Wedding Coordinator is responsible for any loss or damage to equipment, nor are they responsible for anything left at the church by the florist. 
  12. The Director of Weddings is available to meet with the florist either personally or by phone (972-820-5037) to discuss the policies, guidelines, and setup for the wedding at Prestonwood.

Photography, Video & Sound Policies

The Staff of Prestonwood recognizes the importance of wedding photography and videos as lasting remembrances of your wedding day. Because the wedding ceremony is a religious service, all photographers and videographers (amateur and professional) are asked to reverence the ceremony and the church. We ask that the photographer and videographer be as unobtrusive as possible, and that he or she be dressed appropriately for a wedding.


The photographer may take pictures before or after the ceremony in several areas of the building – Bride’s Room, Groom’s Room, Atrium, Fireside Room, outside areas, Chapel, or Worship Center (if wedding is held in Worship Center).

  1. All pre-wedding pictures which are taken in the Chapel or Worship Center must be completed 30 minutes prior to the beginning of the ceremony.
  2. Flash photography is permitted only during the processionals as family members, bridesmaids, and groomsmen are entering the Chapel, and also during the recessional as the wedding party is exiting. For pictures during the wedding ceremony, time exposures are requested. 
  3. The photographers (and videographers) are permitted to stand in the back of the Chapel, in the balcony, or on the sides either in front or behind the columns. No movement at or near the altar is permitted. Vendors are not permitted to stand on the platform; however, an unmanned camera is permitted on the platform. Ask the Wedding Coordinator for assistance with placement. 
  4. The bridal party may regroup in the Worship Center, the Chapel or the Atrium after the ceremony for final pictures. The photographer is requested to limit post-wedding photography to 20-30 minutes following ceremony. 
  5. Please do not move any furniture or accessories in the church. Please do not stand on the furniture. 
  6. If the photographer is present at the rehearsal, he/she is asked not to disrupt the flow of the rehearsal.


If a videographer (professional or non-professional) is hired by the Bride, he/she must adhere to the following guidelines.

  1. Use existing lighting only.
  2. Videographer must use his/her own equipment. Prestonwood equipment is not available.
  3. Camera and video technicians must remain stationary during the ceremony. No movement at or near the altar is permitted. (See #3 under Photography) 
  4. Spotlights may not be used during the ceremony. 
  5. The IMAG screen will not be used for weddings. Slideshows lessen the dignity and reverence of the wedding. Our desire is to make sure the wedding is worshipful with the focus on Christ and the sacredness of the ceremony.


Sound and Lighting Technicians are arranged and provided by the Prestonwood Media Department.

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Date: March 25, 2021



Como creyentes, estamos llamados a dar de nuestros talentos, no solo financieramente, sino también nuestros dones espirituales a través del voluntariado. Tenemos formas seguras de dar y oportunidades para bendecir a otros a través de donaciones de legado y una gran cantidad de oportunidades de voluntariado.

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Somos una congregación dinámica, constituida por personas de la región del Norte de Texas, unidos con el propósito de adorar, estudiar la Palabra de Dios, trabajar en Su obra y alcanzar el mundo con el mensaje del Evangelio.


Valoramos como base seis áreas de la vida de nuestra iglesia. Juntos, estos valores compartidos identifican quiénes somos, nos animan a seguir hacia todo lo que deseamos lograr y nos unen en compañerismo.

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