While at Prestonwood as an intern, you will experience dynamic worship, excellent ministry practice, and a myriad of service opportunities that will enhance your calling and prepare you for a lifetime of effective ministry leadership. You will also take part in a personal discipleship and mentorship program that will allow you to deepen your faith and strengthen the uniqueness and influence of your calling.
Pastor Jack Graham
If you’re interested in the Intern Program, please follow these steps:
If you have any questions, please call 972-930-4461 or e-mail internship@prestonwood.org.
Yes. Prestonwood offers paid intern positions. Interns also receive a matriculation benefit each semester to assist with the cost of purchasing books and materials.
We ask all interns to commit to a year of service. When the year is complete, we will evaluate whether an opportunity to extend the internship exists, to advance to a different ministerial role, or to launch into a like-minded church.
All interns are encouraged to live close to the church and commute to school. If an intern cannot obtain local lodging, our office keeps an active file of Prestonwood families that are available to serve as host homes. The intern is responsible for his/her own food costs.
No. However, Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary offers masters-level classes in the spring and fall at Prestonwood as one of their extension sites.
Bryant Forshee
“The Prestonwood Intern program gave me a biblical understanding of what it means to serve in vocational ministry, serve the people of your ministry, and serve the people you work alongside in ministry. The program emphasizes first and foremost your relationship with Jesus, and then equips and teaches you how to do day-to-day vocational ministry. The ministers pour into the residents and show appreciation for them; and the exposure to excellent resources, teaching and practical ministry experience is unparalleled!”
Morgan Womack
“The Prestonwood Intern Program has established a firm foundation of relational ministry in my life. The ministers around me, as well as the other residents in the program, have built a community of accountability and discipleship to encourage me to seek Christ in every decision, task and meeting. Regardless of the task in front of me, I’m continuously motivated through the love that God gives us to strive for excellence for the advancement of the kingdom of God. From my time here at Prestonwood, I know I’m equipped to take all that I have learned with me wherever God may call me.”
Jacob Browning
“The Prestonwood Intern Program was instrumental in my development as a leader. Discipleship from the ministers on staff molded my work ethic and deepened my passion for the local church. I am grateful for the principles I learned in stewardship, selflessness and excellence. I am grateful God led me to the Prestonwood Intern Program.”
Como creyentes, estamos llamados a dar de nuestros talentos, no solo financieramente, sino también nuestros dones espirituales a través del voluntariado. Tenemos formas seguras de dar y oportunidades para bendecir a otros a través de donaciones de legado y una gran cantidad de oportunidades de voluntariado.
Simple y seguro. Dé una sola vez o de manera recurrente usando su cuenta de cheques, tarjeta de crédito o débito.
Dar Ahora
Prestonwood ofrece muchas maneras de usar sus dones y talentos para servir a los demás, desde camarógrafo hasta miembro del coro, técnico hasta maestro, asistente de estacionamiento hasta guerrero de oración. Haga clic aquí para obtener más información.
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Donec elementum volutpat sem vel elementum. Sed sem iaculis tellus ac posuere efficitur.
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A través de nuestros Estudios Bíblicos de Grupos de Vida, grupos pequeños, cada persona que viene a Prestonwood tiene la oportunidad de construir relaciones clave que pueden durar toda la vida. Para más información
Encuentra un grupo
Somos una congregación dinámica, constituida por personas de la región del Norte de Texas, unidos con el propósito de adorar, estudiar la Palabra de Dios, trabajar en Su obra y alcanzar el mundo con el mensaje del Evangelio.
Valoramos como base seis áreas de la vida de nuestra iglesia. Juntos, estos valores compartidos identifican quiénes somos, nos animan a seguir hacia todo lo que deseamos lograr y nos unen en compañerismo.
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La decisión más importante en su vida es si acepta o no a Jesús como su Señor y Salvador personal.
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Sin importar a cuál campus asiste, encontrará caras sonrientes que le recibirán, una vibrante música de adoración que levantará su espíritu y una enseñanza poderosa basada en la Palabra de Dios que transformará su vida.
Se sentirá bienvenido desde el primer momento que visita Prestonwood. Tenemos algo para cada uno de su familia, permítanos ayudarle a planificar su primera visita.
Planifique su visita
Esta clase es crucial para ayudar a nuevos miembros y a aquellos que están considerando unirse a Prestonwood y los diferentes ministerios de nuestra iglesia.
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